INEI Crime Data

In Perú, the Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informática (INEN) is the government agency in charge of statistical information. In this post, we will be looking at crime data from

We can download the number of crime complaints by type and region. As we would like to compare different regions it’s important to express the numbers as a population ratio rather than absolute counts. We can find the population by region on INEI series.

Here is a view of the numbers and ratio of complaints by region and type:

Region similarities

Now let’s use some dimensionality reduction like PCA to see how similar are the different regions by crime types.

  • The X axis is showing the first component, which explains 95% of the variation.
  • The size indicates population.


Now, using geopandas and matplotlib, we can plot some maps. Here we have the crime complaints / population by region:

ratios per region

Finally we can show maps for the most recurrent crimes types:

crime complaint maps

Code used in the post

You can find the python code here: Notebook.

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